No one wants to turn away a guest. However, at some times a reservation request must be denied because the Property is fully booked. With enough lead time, interested guests may be put on a Wait List for the requested dates or room type. Then, if a cancellation happens, you have a clear record of who requested what, and when, so you can easily manage the list and fill the newly opened spot. Thus with Skyware, instead of simply turning guests away, you can provide them with the option to add their name and details to the reservation wait list for a specific date range, possible room type or other option in the future. For example, a guest may have requested a King bed, or to participate in a Group rate.
This can also take place for day use amenities, such as a pool pass - if any cancellation occurs, when it is entered into Skyware the cancellation pop up window will inform you if there are any wait listed guests waiting that could be substituted for the canceled activity user.
Note: A Wait List reservation cannot be canceled; to cancel a Wait List reservation first its status must be changed to a regular reservation, then cancel the reservation as normal.
Wait Listed reservations during an identified time period may be viewed on the Arrivals Report, if the Wait List (only) report option is selected. Alternatively, you may wish to generate a custom report for the status WAIT, by date range. (Please call for assistance from Skyware if needed on generating this custom report).
When generating a reservation, there is a "Wait List this reservation" check box at the top left on the quick Reservation screen, and at the top right on the Room Type screen of the Advanced Reservation Wizard.
To create a Wait List reservation, this box should be checked.
The reservation should now be created as you would a regular reservation, but once completed, (as long as you have checked the Wait List option), the Stay Information screen for your guest will show the status WAIT (rather than RESV) on the Folio, and the reservation will not appear in your list of regular reservations, instead being shown only when wait listed reservations have been selected.
Note: A Wait Listed reservation WILL NOT take a room out of inventory.
Whenever you cancel a reservation, the pop-up window informing you that the cancellation is complete, with the cancellation confirmation number on, will ALSO inform you if there are any wait listed reservations that could be substituted for the canceled reservation, ensuring that the newly opened spot can be filled in a timely manner.
A Wait Listed reservation may be converted at any point to a regular reservation via the Modify Folio command, which allows you to select the stay record that you wish to change. Select the Wait Listed check box to display all Wait Listed reservations.
Select the desired record to open the associated Main Folio.
Use the tool bar button Modify Stay to open the (quick) reservation screen, where you can modify the reservation.
With a Wait Listed reservation, you will see at the top left of the screen the checked option "Wait Listed - Uncheck to change to reservation status".
Do so, and a pop-up message will immediately ask if you are sure you want to change to Reservation Status.
Clicking the "OK" button will convert this wait-listed reservation to a regular reservation, and remove the appropriate room(s) from your inventory for the specified dates.
The Main Folio screen will now re-open, with the status field showing RESV instead of WAIT.
Note: If the Wait Listed reservation you are viewing is no longer within an upcoming date range (i.e. the arrival date of the potential reservation has passed) when you click "OK" on the pop-up window, instead of returning to the Folio screen you will receive an error message on the reservation screen, telling you that the arrival date must be greater than or equal to the current date.
Date Updated December 23, 2021