Wait List

No one wants to turn away a guest. However, at some times a reservation request must be denied because the Property is fully booked. With enough lead time, interested guests may be put on a Wait List for the requested dates or room type. Then, if a cancellation happens, you have a clear record of who requested what, and when, so you can easily manage the list and fill the newly opened spot. Thus with Skyware, instead of simply turning guests away, you can provide them with the option to add their name and details to the reservation wait list for a specific date range, possible room type or other option in the future. For example, a guest may have requested a King bed, or to participate in a Group rate.

This can also take place for day use amenities, such as a pool pass - if any cancellation occurs, when it is entered into Skyware the cancellation pop up window will inform you if there are any wait listed guests waiting that could be substituted for the canceled activity user.

Note: A Wait List reservation cannot be canceled; to cancel a Wait List reservation first its status must be changed to a regular reservation, then cancel the reservation as normal.

Wait Listed reservations during an identified time period may be viewed on the Arrivals Report, if the Wait List (only) report option is selected. Alternatively, you may wish to generate a custom report for the status WAIT, by date range. (Please call for assistance from Skyware if needed on generating this custom report).




Date Updated December 23, 2021